Hutchinson, KS
1:00 pm B Sisk called the meeting to order.
Present were G Ross, K Jackson, J Creeger, C Baber, K Dooley, D Bolt, J Bolt, T Pitts, B Fortune, B Sisk, K Larsen, E Voss and JJ Deckert.
Requested of K Larsen and C Baber a list of award winners for 2016 for files.
2016-2017 Officers are as follows: President B Sisk, VP Eric Voss, Sec/Treas K Dooley, Past Pres J Bolt.
Members at Large: T Pitts, B Fortune, K Larsen. Region 2 C Baber, Region 3 Jodi Creeger, Region 5 Kristena Jackson, D Champlin Region 4.
2017 Seminar will be February 9-12 at the Atrium Hotel in Hutchinson.
K Dooley and E Voss will discuss prices for 2017 seminar.
K Jackson, C Coleman, C Landgraf will work on marketing.
Suggestions were using email to advertise, a booth at KEMSA, a booth at the KSFFA.
Using social media, composing a brochure, an article in the FIRE WIRE publication, purchasing a KEMTA Banner.
J Bolt will serve as Legislative Liaison since he is at the KSBEMS meetings in Topeka.
It was suggested that Board Members donate an item to give away at the conference or have a silent auction.
We have $39,538.71 in funds. That includes the bank, quilt, shirts and patches, and drawing prizes. It Does NOT include the $9000.00 in CD's.
Brad will contact Jeanette Shipley on the ACT appointment that is open.
We will have a teleconference March 30 at 6 pm. Details to follow. Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm. JJ Deckert, Exec Dir.
KEMTA Meeting
Atrium Hotel - Hutchinson, KS
Called to order at 12:05 pm. Those present were B Fortune, C Baber, J Creeger, E Voss, B Sisk, T Pitts, G Ross, K Dooley, K Jackson, JJ Deckert. Need to have Education Tract developed by Dec. 11 th , 2015.
It was MSC/ TP, GR minutes be approved.
Discussion on Randolph Mantooth: $ 7000.00 cost with Mossimo donating perhaps $ 1000.00, Suggested EMSC requested $800.00, FFA requested $2500.00. Will follow up with donation requests.
KD/GR MSC we try to get R Mantooth. T Pitts will discuss with him his itinerary. He will want to eat at Julian's Thursday night with the Board of Directors. We will advertise in the FF Publication and Hutch News.
KEMTA will try to hold a TO1 and TO2 workshop before the seminar with the I/C portion after the seminar.
T Pitts will talk to the Honor Guard and Hutchinson Mayor for a welcome and opening ceremonies.
BCBS and EMSC vendors are confirmed. E Voss has sent letters to all vendors.
The Treasurer's Report was accepted MSC BF/CB at approx $25,000.00.
For elections in 2016 the following members will run: E Voss Vice Pres, C Baber Region 2, Region 4 Open, Region 5 S Sutton maybe, M at Large K Larsen. Call K Dooley if interested in running for office.
Shirts to be sold at the seminar will be ordered MSC EV/BF.
If we decide to change the logo, it has to be done with a vote of the general membership and would be rolled out in 2017.
Board members are asked to help teach at the Fire Schools. K Yokum will be asked and E Voss and T Pitts volunteered to help in Nov.
The Education Committee needs to find out from FFA what subjects they want in continuing education. A letter will be sent.
We could do a Leadership Conf at the seminar.
If folks want to hear R. Mantooth's presentation it will be $20.00 / person if not attending the seminar and no CEUs MSC TP/BF.
KBEMS could send us an email list to distribute seminar information.
C Landgraf has volunteered to do some marketing for us free of charge. MSC TP/GR. We will check out Newspaper and radio also and there may be a charge. K Jackson and C Coleman will help with this.
It was suggested that the EMS Regions give scholarships for the seminar. Region 2 does this.
By consensus it was decided to charge students $ 75.00 to attend the seminar.
Meeting adjourned at 2:25pm MSC TP/CB.
KEMTA Board Meeting - Teleconference
Present: E Voss, K Jackson, G Ross, B Sisk, K Dooley, C Baber, J Creeger, JJ Deckert.
GR/ KJ MSC minutes from last meeting. Treasurer's Report given at $680.00 paid out for tax return, KS Annual Report paid out $ 40.00 and bank balance of $22,887.65. Due to us and not paid yet KSFFA of $1,000.00 and Finney Co EMS of $90.00.
We were asked to think about inviting Randall Mantooth. He will cost $7,000.00. We need sponsors to help with the cost if we chose to invite him.
On Education we discussed the cadaver lab or a pig lab pre-con session. Karen has talked to several speakers and has a rough draft done. Perhaps Fire Fighter pre-con, Eagle Med offered a chance to speak, AMR Medical Director, Doug Williams on Compassion Fatigue, Hill Rom speaker on obesity.
Discussed electronic CEU Records and we need to reserve the equipment.
Eric has 10 vendors.
E Voss and K Dooley will meet with the motel on Dec. 12 to sign contracts.
T Shirts were discussed. E Voss, K Jackson and C Baber will work on this with a vendor and have something to present at our next meeting.
E Voss and C Baber will help to notify services in their Regions as to the conference. Discussed how we did want to notify folks of the conference.
Kathy Coleman will work on the website with E Voss and C Baber.
We discussed a LOGO Contest with a deadline to submit them. Then the General Membership will vote on it at the conference.
By consensus, JoAnn Knack will do a quilt for us if she gets motel rooms and conference free. This was agreed upon.
E Voss needs help teaching various EMS/FF courses. He will send emails and folks should email him if they can help.
We will send another bill to the KSFFA for $1,000.00. They sent us a check, but it never cleared and was not received by KEMTA
Bill Fortune will contact KSFFA to see if they will help us with a donation of $2,500.00 in 2016. GR/CB MSC.
EV/GR MSC that KEMTA with Concordia Fire will host a TO1 class. The cost will be $100.00 per student and the proceeds will go towards the seminar. We will apply for EIG money for the course. Concordia will host it and it is 2 - 8 hour days.
We discussed donation cards and were reminded not to ask for donations from our vendors.
EV/KJ MSC the meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.
JJ Deckert
KEMTA Board Meeting
Members present were B Sisk, G Ross, T Pitts, C Baber, K Larsen, E Voss, K Dooley, B Fortune, JJ Deckert.
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by B Sisk.
2016 Seminar will be in Hutchinson at Atrium Hotel on Feb. 12-14. Feb 11 th will be the pre conference day. Advertising of dates will begin in September.
K Larsen is waiting to hear back from speakers to confirm. The Educ, Comm. Will do a conf. call or meeting in the next couple weeks. We may have a cadaver lab. They will have an Educ. Budget at the next meeting on Sept. 30 th .
B Fortune mentioned Ammonia Safety, Fire Rehab or D Con. Other subjects were Ambulance Safety, Mental Illness, and "Something is Wrong With Granny" from a speaker in Nebraska.
Minutes of last meeting were approved E Voss/ T Pitts MSC.
Treasurer's report was approved C Baber/ B Fortune MSC.
We need to be encouraging services and technicians to make nominations for awards at our Banquet at the Seminar.
E Voss is working on vendors, but will wait until after KEMSA Conf, to contact vendors.
KEMSA offered us a booth at their seminar this month. They are willing to work with us since our conferences do not compete with each other in time frames. G Ross/ E Voss MSC that we have a booth at KEMSA Seminar. We will give away through drawings 1 - $50.00 off our Seminar registration fee and 2 free Pre Conf. days. We will also collect email addresses and contact information from folks so we can send them a KEMTA conf. brochure. Also give them a save the date card with registration fees listed on it. E Voss, K Larsen and C Baber will be there and will be manning the booth.
E Voss suggested we put together some 2-4 hour classes for CEU's. Several topics developed on a basic level for Fire Service Staff. KEMTA Board members would present these programs at Fire Schools.
The Communication Committee will meet soon.
The Awards Committee will work on a new logo to be presented at the conference for general membership to vote on. Then we can see about shirts for sale and for Board Members to purchase on their own. K Dooley and C Baber will work on the logo.
Prices for the 2016 KEMTA Seminar are as follows. Postmark date will determine deadlines. E Voss and T Pitts MSC.
Register: Jan 1 - 15 Member 185.00 Non Member 210.00
Jan 16 - Feb. 5 Member 210.00 Non Member 235.00
Feb. 6 - At Conference Member 235.00 Non Member 260.00
Friday 95.00 Saturday 95.00 Sunday 40.00
K Dooley and E Voss will set the student fee charges based on cost of meals.
E Voss and K Dooley MSC that we use the computer system that we used last year to manage CEU's.
T Pitts will contact the Hutch Fire Honor Guard and maybe the Newton Guard. It was suggested we have an Honor Guard at opening ceremonies and at the Banquet.
Our next meeting will be Sept 30 th .
The meeting was adjourned E Voss and T Pitts MSC at 8:17 pm.
KEMTA Board Meeting
Present: Karen Larsen, Bradley Sisk, T Pitts, Kathy Dooley, Eric Voss, Bill Fortune, Gerry Ross, Christina Baber, Jodi Creeger, and JJ Deckert.
We discussed education throughout the year and to partner with Fire and EMSC.
AMR and EMSC may be willing to help us with carry bags next year.
We discussed having a booth at the KSFFA seminar in Junction City.
Meeting every other month via teleconference was suggested.
Brad wants us to think about what we want KEMTA to be and do. Then get with him on email.
K Larsen volunteered to be in charge of education next year.
We have not set the date for 2016 conference. Will see when and where other seminars will be.
People liked the hands on skills.
Speakers were good.
Events went well hospitality, dinner, meals and banquet.
Next year give speakers Thank You baskets with a shirt and small items.
We did not get the word out soon enough on the seminar.
Need to request Eagle Med, Lifeteam, EMSC, AMR, etc to sponsor speakers for us.
May need to do popular breakouts twice.
They wanted coffee in the morning at sessions.
Suggested voting for elections after lunch Friday to after lunch Saturday.